Category: business

  • Use these 3 Useful tools to save your Organization Money…..

    Use these 3 Useful tools to save your Organization Money…..

    The non profit sector is filled with extraordinary people. Most of them caring and mission-driven. One area where the sector needs improvement, is developing a start-up attitude. This is where non profits can learn from startup-ups. They can learn about doing things efficiently and cost effectively. Over the years, I have found a few tools…

  • When Data Metrics and Non-Profits Meet

    When Data Metrics and Non-Profits Meet

    Over the last few years, many nonprofits have jumped on the data train. Some for the first time, either through their own efforts or through the coercion of funders, have begun to evaluate and track their data. Others, evaluate project to project, with no interconnectedness between evaluation systems. Others still, are fighting a losing battle…

  • Canada Summer Jobs Extension to Feb 9th, 2019

    Canada Summer Jobs Extension to Feb 9th, 2019

    The Canada Summer Jobs Program Deadline is Tomorrow February 9th!   For any small businesses or not for profits looking for some extra help this Summer, The Canada Summer jobs program represents a great way to get funding to cover the expenses associated with hiring Summer students.  With the additional expenses associated with increases to…

  • When Your Mission Stinks….

    When Your Mission Stinks….

    When Your Mission Stinks…. Having worked in consulting to both for profit and non-profit organizations over the last decade, one of the time honoured truths that I often see, is that very often, mission statements stink. While this may seem like a harsh statement, consider the weight and importance we place on mission. Your mission,…

  • Do I need a feasibility study?

    A feasibility study or a feasibility plan, is an assessment into the viability of an idea. In business, we use feasibility studies to decide whether to proceed with a proposed venture. They are used by all types of businesses. Feasibility plans get used as a way to account for and mitigate some of the risks…

  • Useless Friday Fact

    The entire internet could be printed off on 136,000,000,000 sheets of paper (yes 136B).

  • How To Be an Entrepreneur: Seek out Opportunity

    I want to confess: I have a secret.  One of the things I do in my spare time is peruse Craigs List for enjoyment. You can see humanity at its most vulnerable. It really is a entertaining to read.  Craigslist is also a great place to start your entrepreneurial journey. You can pick up odd…

  • Why Did You Become an Entrepreneur?

    What Made You Decide to start your own Small Business? I often get asked why I became an entrepreneur? Why did I start my own company? I could answer that I grew up in an entrepreneurial home, with a father who ran his own business for years.  I could answer, that the change agent  in me did…

  • Business in a Slump? It’s time to Growth Plan

    Business in a Slump? It’s time to Growth Plan

    Develop A Business Growth Plan It seems like all we do is plan.  We write business plans, strategic plans, marketing plans, and disaster recovery plans. We plan our businesses to death.  In the early days of your business, your need to plan less. Personally, I am a planner by nature. Planning is how I organize…

  • The Geography of Funding Inequality.

    The Geography of Funding Inequality.

    Around the country, incubators are popping up. Tech incubators, health incubators, manufacturing incubators. Venture capitalists continue to create to new opportunities to attract the next big tech company and angel investors sit poised, ready to be mentors and investors to new entrepreneurs. Every start-up at some point in their existence, considers chasing venture capital. The…