Tag: business
Useless Friday Fact
The entire internet could be printed off on 136,000,000,000 sheets of paper (yes 136B). http://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-paper-would-it-take-to-print-the-internet-2015-4
Business in a Slump? It’s time to Growth Plan
Develop A Business Growth Plan It seems like all we do is plan. We write business plans, strategic plans, marketing plans, and disaster recovery plans. We plan our businesses to death. In the early days of your business, your need to plan less. Personally, I am a planner by nature. Planning is how I organize…
Do You Love What You Do?
Do You Really Love Your Business? One of the things I never learnt in school was how to be a psychologist. Over the years, I took psychology courses, but with a graduate and a professional designation, neither of which are in psychology, I am very ill equipped to deal with psychological issues or offer any…
The Geography of Funding Inequality.
Around the country, incubators are popping up. Tech incubators, health incubators, manufacturing incubators. Venture capitalists continue to create to new opportunities to attract the next big tech company and angel investors sit poised, ready to be mentors and investors to new entrepreneurs. Every start-up at some point in their existence, considers chasing venture capital. The…
Innovation and the Aging Population
There is a lot written these days about innovation, competitiveness and intellectual capital. I hear the banter of politicians, the monologues from leading Venture Capitalists and Investment firms, and I sit back and think about how they have it all wrong. Our society is aging. David Foot in his ground-breaking work, “Boom, Bust and Echo”…
Finding a Business Mentor
Nearly every self-help book will tell you that you need a business mentor. The general purpose of a mentor is to provide you with a foundation of advice, support and knowledge in the early days of business. The early days are tough. Cashflow will be tight, personal time will be non-existant and to-do lists are…
Demographics for Small Business: market segmentation and counting customers
The last couple of entries have focused on stories of entrepreneurs who have either not cared about customers or who believed that the entire world was a prospective client base. While these strategies may work for some entrepreneurs, generally speaking, we need to have some understanding of the size of the market and what we…
#waystokillanidea – It is too expensive.
Ways to Kill an Idea – #4. It is too expensive Here is part 4 on my blog series of how to kill an idea. I’ll quickly recap three ideas from a recent conference that motivated me to write these posts: 1. Fail fast, fail forward. 2. Do not be afraid to think big. 3.…