Reimar Articles & Insights

  • Part 2: Why Businesses Fail

    Part 2: Why Businesses Fail

    Since 1980 onward, business plans have become standard staple in lending and investing. They provide, or so their supporters will argue, a standardized way to look at a business. Business plans require entrepreneurs to actually “plan” and they are the road map an entrepreneur uses from start-up through to a full -scale operation. So why…

  • Do I need a Business Plan? (Psst … You May Not) Part 1

    Do I need a business plan? I cannot tell you how often I get this question. Early in my career, I was an avid supporter of Business Plans. Not the business plan itself perse, but the planning process. Planning, in itself is crucial to the success of a business-or so I thought. However, over the…

  • Ways to Kill an Idea – It Can’t Be Done

    Ways to Kill an Idea – It Can’t Be Done

    Ways to Kill an Idea – #1. It Can’t Be Done I recently hosted a conference on immigrant entrepreneurship, which was meant to drive home three key ideas: 1. Fail fast, fail forward. 2. Do not be afraid to think big. 3. Do not let your immediate response to a new idea be “no”. Obviously, there…

  • Reimar Group – Real World Business Growth

    Welcome to our website! We are experts in creating strategic, marketing, business and social enterprise plans. With over 10 years experience in a variety of industries and sectors, our team of experts can help you to achieve your strategic goals. We will work with you to develop flexible, relevant and effective business growth strategies. If you are…

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