Category: Uncategorized

  • Use these 3 Useful tools to save your Organization Money…..

    Use these 3 Useful tools to save your Organization Money…..

    The non profit sector is filled with extraordinary people. Most of them caring and mission-driven. One area where the sector needs improvement, is developing a start-up attitude. This is where non profits can learn from startup-ups. They can learn about doing things efficiently and cost effectively. Over the years, I have found a few tools…

  • Upcoming Grant Deadlines

    Upcoming Grant Deadlines

    Dates to Note We are a little short on time this week,  so our post will just be dates to watch for some upcoming grants due in the next few weeks. Gender based Violence Promising Practices to Support Survivors and Their Families- Due March 1 – Opportunities Fund-Projects to support Canadians with Disabilities- Due March…

  • When Data Metrics and Non-Profits Meet

    When Data Metrics and Non-Profits Meet

    Over the last few years, many nonprofits have jumped on the data train. Some for the first time, either through their own efforts or through the coercion of funders, have begun to evaluate and track their data. Others, evaluate project to project, with no interconnectedness between evaluation systems. Others still, are fighting a losing battle…

  • Canada Summer Jobs Extension to Feb 9th, 2019

    Canada Summer Jobs Extension to Feb 9th, 2019

    The Canada Summer Jobs Program Deadline is Tomorrow February 9th!   For any small businesses or not for profits looking for some extra help this Summer, The Canada Summer jobs program represents a great way to get funding to cover the expenses associated with hiring Summer students.  With the additional expenses associated with increases to…

  • Winning an OTF Seed Grant

    Winning an OTF Seed Grant

    How do You Win an OTF Seed Application? Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) grants are due February 21 and they represent a great opportunity for non profits and charities to pilot new ideas, adopt new programs or develop conceptual models to a new region.  Seed Grants are about experimenting, trying new things and changing existing models…

  • OTF Seed Grant Registration Deadline -Jan 31

    OTF Seed Grant Registration Deadline -Jan 31

    Your OTF Registration   The Ontario Trillium Foundation-OTF- Seed Grant Registration deadline is coming up on January 31st. What this means is that if you and/or your organization is interested in applying for a seed grant, you need to have your organization registered by the end of January.   Registration, involves getting together some vital…

  • Why Did You Become an Entrepreneur?

    What Made You Decide to start your own Small Business? I often get asked why I became an entrepreneur? Why did I start my own company? I could answer that I grew up in an entrepreneurial home, with a father who ran his own business for years.  I could answer, that the change agent  in me did…

  • What Value does your Incubator add?

    What is the Value-add of Incubators? Over the last decade, incubators have been popping up all over the country. There are economic development incubators, venture capital incubators and industry specific. On the tech side, Accelerators are the newest label to be put onto incubators. Despite all of this growth, one question that seldom appears to…

  • Demographics and Your Business Plan

    The term for some of you may conjure up images of university classrooms and painful modelling excercises. For others, the term might imply some kind if research to do with population, but most certainly nothing to do with your business plan. What if I told you that demographics should form the basis of your ENTIRE…